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Typography is fundamental to the precise, legible display of information. Elsevier’s typographic system is designed to be distinctive, flexible and legible. In the Design system, we have further refined Elsevier’s typography by creating a highly flexible, scalable type system. Reduced to only 9 typesizes across two fonts, it follows a linear typescale and is based on values of 4 and 8 to fit with our grid and 4px spacing system.

Typefaces and weights

Our type system is based on the ‘Elsevier Sans’ font face developed specifically for Elsevier by the design team. This is a sans serif typeface with many available weights, to achieve a unified and consistent brand expression. In general, typography is primarily left-aligned and we do not use bold and italics. By keeping the text structure simple and defining hierarchy with blank space and sizing, we ensure clarity and increase legibility.

Elsevier Sans (light)

Elsevier Sans in its 'light' weight is our new display font. We use this typeface primarily typeface for large titles and headers. Anything not using the new fontface will be using Elsevier Display Light.
Elsevier Sans
Elsevier Sans in its 'regular' weight is our new text font. We use this typeface for body copy and all the other text. Anything not using the new font face will be using Nexus Sans Pro.

Typesizes web

Elsevier Display Light


Desktop line height / size

Mobile line height / size

Letter spacing

H11 / 56px1 / 36px-0.02em
H21 / 48px1 / 32px-0.02em
H31.1 / 40px1.1 / 28px-0.02em
H41.1 / 32px1.1 / 24px-0.02em
H51.1 / 24px1.1 / 20px-0.02em

Nexus Sans Pro Regular

Body lg1.3 / 24px1.3 / 20px0.01em
Body md1.3 / 20px1.3 / 16px0.01em
Body sm1.3 / 16px1.3 / 12px0.01em
Body xs1.3 / 12px1.3 / 12px0.01em

Do's and dont's

Example of consistent fonts, sizes and colours


Consistent use of fonts, sizes and colors for headers, bodytext and links that follow function

Example of a inconsistent fonts, sizes and colours


Random color - and font changes for links, titles and body text that confuses functionality

Example of a light font on a dark background


Light font on a dark background to ensure the text is easy to read

Example of a dark font on a dark background


Dark font on a dark background to ensure the text is easy to read